
Make Cute Glasses case - pen case - Lion and pig (with pictures)


- Foam sheets ( choose the ones with sticky back sheets)
- Cotton sheets ( 2mm thick)
- A pair of scissors, a ruler
- A black pen
- Glue

Step 1: Use cotton sheet

Cut into small pieces
1 piece: 14,5 x 5 cm ( C1)
2 pieces: 14,5 x 3 cm ( C2)
2 pieces: 6, 2 x 3,5 cm (C3)
1 piece: 15,7 x 6,2 cm (C4)

Step 2: Use foam sheet

Cut into small pieces ( same size as the cotton pieces)

2 piece: 14,5 x 5 cm ( F1)
4 pieces: 14,5 x 3 cm ( F2)
4 pieces: 6, 2 x 3,5 cm (F3)
The foam with sticky back sheets, peal and stick the foams pieces to both sides of the cotton pieces.
Stick F1 to C1 to F1 (stick the foams pieces to both sides of the cotton pieces)
Stick F2 to C2 to F2
Stick F3 to C3 to F3
We have C4 left ( which is the cotton piece 15,7 x 6,2 cm)

Step 3:
Build a box as shown (use glue)
We have C4 left ( which is the cotton piece 15,7 x 6,2 cm)

Step 4:

Cut 2 pieces of foam as shown

Then stick these foam pieces to both side of the C4

Step 5: Cut the lion face

Stick the head to body

Cute Glasses cases - pen case - Lion and pig

Good luck
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